Free vps are great for testing out a hosting company without having to pay a dime. However, they do come with limitations. Some offer limited features or require personal credit card details to use them.
If you want to try out a new VPS, but aren’t sure if it’s right for your business, look for one that offers a trial period and money-back guarantees. These will give you an idea of how the service performs before you decide to sign up for a paid plan.
InstaFree is a great free VPS option that allows you to host a single website with minimal resources, but still provides you with access to useful tools such as cPanel and Softaculous for easy installs of scripts and apps. It also has a very simple management system and does not require a credit card to get started.
The Pros and Cons of Using Free VPS Providers
AVA VPS is another provider that offers a free plan with interesting and innovative offerings. For example, their servers load websites three times faster than other providers. You’ll also get full root access, DDoS protection, and a number of other useful features.
GigaRocket is a great free VPS hosting provider that’s geared toward students and developers. The only catch is that you have to actively participate in their forums to keep the service free.
AWS Lightsail is a great choice for short-term free VPS hosting, but it’s not a perfect solution. It can be a little tricky to manage, especially if you’re not familiar with the system, but it does have plenty of resources and powerful features.